Not a Developer?

Got a great idea for using Kin in an application? Not a Coder? No Problem!

We think everyone should be able to build with Kin and earn rewards for their transactions via the KRE.

If you think so too, check out our Kin No-Code Plugin!

No-Code with Kin

Developed alongside the amazing folks at Uproll we are very happy to bring you the Kin Plugin for Bubble.

Bubble lets you create interactive, multi-user apps for desktop and mobile web browsers, including all the features you need to build a site like Facebook or Airbnb — all without writing a single line of code.

Get Started with Kin No-Code

Follow these steps to start building your own Bubble app with Kin No-Code

See What The Kin No-Code Plugin Can Do

Check out all of the methods and options for using the Kin No-Code Plugin

Don't believe us? Checkout out to see a powerful ecommerce app built by Uproll with the No-Code plugin. You can even integrate it into your own No-Code app.

Giftery Giftery

The Kin plugin for Bubble to make it even easier for developers to build innovative cryptocurrency based digital experiences that utilize Kin. If you’re interested in building within the Kin ecosystem but don’t have much coding experience, this Kin plugin is the perfect entry point!

Apps built with the Kin No-Code Plugin are also compatible with the KRE!

Kin Rewards Engine

Earn Kin by using it in your App

With the Kin No-Code Plugin, developers have all the tools and resources at their disposal to build the innovative app they’ve always dreamed of, utilizing Kin, without the hurdles and barriers related to blockchain coding knowledge.

Kin Plugin Features

  • Zero Costs: The Kin No-Code Plugin for Bubble is 100% free.
  • Bubble apps are free to test. Learn more about Bubble pricing here.
  • Hundreds of Templates: Free and Premium templates can give you a jumpstart on development.
  • Thousand of Tools: From Airtable to Zapier, there are thousands of prebuilt tools that you can integrate into your Bubble app with a click of a button.

Ready To Get Started?

Get Started with Kin No-Code

Follow these steps to start building your own Bubble app with Kin No-Code

What If I Have Some Questions?

Pop into the kinetic-bubble channel on Discord and we'll give you a hand.

Getting Help

Stuck? No problem, we have an amazing community waiting to help out.

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