Branding Guidelines

We’ve prepared this brand toolkit so you’ll know exactly how you can, and cannot display the Kin brand assets.

In this page you’ll find logos, logomarks, and other assets for fair use and for creating applications & services that benefit the users, developers, and supporters of Kin.

Kin Branding Guidelines

Last Updated: November 2022

These guidelines ensure a cohesive look and feel when using the Kin brand. Download the Kin Branding Guidelines for answers to frequently asked questions — including logo usage, the Kin currency symbol, fonts, colors and more!

Kin Brand Guidelines

Download the Kin Brand Guidelines



Primary Logos - Transparent

To be used as much as possible.

Secondary Logos - Transparent

To be used when violet clashes with a specific design.

Kin Logo Charcoal
Kin Logo Grayscale

Primary Logomarks - Round

To be used as much as possible.

Kin Circle Violet
Kin Circle White

Secondary Logomarks - Square

To be used when round logos do not fit specs.

Kin Square Violet
Kin Square White

Primary Logos - With Container

To be used over imagery for enhanced logo visibility.

Kin Container Violet
Kin Container White

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